
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Daily Encouragement: Day 1

Before I start doing too much blogging I want to go ahead and kick off this idea that I've been thinking about doing. I've seen Blake Bliss doing similar things and I really wanted to start the same sort of thing. It's somewhat different but it's similar indeed. Hopefully others will find this helpful and stuff. 

Daily Encouragement: Day 1

You are you. This really is a basically universal idea. You shouldn't conform to what others want you to be, you should be yourself. You're perfect the way you are. You're strong, beautiful, handsome, powerful, smart, stunning, and amazing. Don't ever let anyone tell you you aren't. 

There's always that one person that will try to bring you down. But don't let them make you look in the mirror and hate what you see. You are unique. You are special. You are the only you on this planet. Take a stand, be yourself. Love yourself, Love who you are, and love those that love you.

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